Accepted Advanced Placement Scores

The following Advanced Placement scores are accepted by Columbia College.  No other AP scores will be accepted for pre-requisite credit.

If you are using an AP score as a pre-requisite, please have the score reported to our office.  Our school code is 7707.

Subject Accepted Score
Biology 5
Chemistry 4 or 5
Computer Science (Principles and/or A) 4 or 5
Economics (Micro AND Macro) 5 on one, 4 or 5 on the other
English (Language and Composition and/or Literature and Composition) 5
French (Language and/or Literature) 5
German 5
Government and Politics (US and/or Comparative) 4 or 5
History (European and/or US) 5
Italian 5
Latin 5
Mathematics (AB and/or BC) 4 or 5
Physics 4 or 5
Spanish (Language and/or Literature) 5
Statistics 5