Faculty News: Dr. Margaret O’Neil Serves as Co-Editor and Author of 2nd Edition of "Cerebral Palsy"

February 3, 2020

PT faculty member Dr. Margaret O’Neil is co-editor and author of two chapters of "Cerebral Palsy, 2nd Edition," an influential textbook in the field. In addition to being a co-editor, she also wrote two chapters:

1) Gilbertson T, Hsu LY, McCoy SW, O’Neil MEGaming Technologies for Children and Youth with Cerebral Palsy.  In: Cerebral Palsy, 2nd Edition. Eds: Miller F, Bacarach S, O’Neil ME, Lennon M. Springer Publishers, NY, NY.  2019 

Dr. O'Neil lecturing in front of  a classroom

Maggie O'Neil, PT, PhD, MPH

2) O’Neil ME and Lennon N. Introduction: Therapy Management of the Child with Cerebral Palsy. In: Cerebral Palsy, 2nd Edition. Miller F, Bachrach S, O’Neil ME, Lennon M. (eds). Springer Publishers, NY, NY. 2019 

Book reference - as a co-editor:

Miller F, Bachrach S, Lennon N, O’Neil ME (eds). Cerebral Palsy. 2nd ed; Springer Books, NY, NY. 2019

The work is comprised of three volumes.  The volume on therapy management has 40 chapters written by physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech and language pathologists on the management of children with cerebral palsy. 

Dr. O’Neil explains, “We used the ICF Model to address management at the impairment, activity and participation levels.  We also addressed contextual factors where therapy may be delivered (home, school, clinic, hospital) and the types of intervention strategies used (including equipment and assistive devices) across the different therapy professions.”